Democratic Artwork

Zomer 1998

KREMLIN is a district in Gorinchem which immediately after its delivery in the fifties, acquired the nickname KREMLIN, due to its closed nature and monumental character. Today, KREMLIN is a neighbourhood in which 60 nationalities are scattered throughout more than 200 apartments.

Over a period of 3 months, Circus Andersom surveryed 81.08% of KREMLIN residents with questions like: “Do you think a work of art should be put in your neighbourhood?”, “What color should it be?”, and “Can I take a picture of the view from your living room? “. The literal answers to these questions form the basis of the artwork. The KREMLINZICHT (the inside view of the artwork) shows all possible views of the KREMLIN coinciding.

I started a research office called Art Desire Department.

I designed a form with questions about art in the neighbourhood and I sended a card to each inhabitant.

Then I went door-to-door with questions about an artwork for the neighbourhood.

Pile of forms from over 80% of the inhabitants.

Answers to the question: Where should the artwork be?

Answers to the questions: What should the material of the artwork be?

Answers to the question: How big should the artwork be?

Answers to the question: Which colour should the artwork be?

All inhabitants received the poster 'A Democratic Artwork for the KREMLIN':

The backside of the poster shows the answer to every last question: Can I make a picture of the view from your main window?