
Are you looking for an interlude, entrance ritual, welcome, presentation, or an interactive performance at a congress, gathering, anniversary, symposium, or company party for instance? Circus Andersom has 20 years of experience activating your audience in creative ways. With a selection of special cultural probes about varied subjects as sustainability, community, health, creativity and the power of wonder we can give an energetic or relaxing contribution for introspection, for hilarity, for relaxation and for learning, or a combination of all.

An entrance ritual is a specific way to welcome your audience at the entrance of your event. For instance we have a refreshing 2 minute spa, a connecting welcome hug, an entrance poll with which we divide the visitors in different groups and in which we can provide a hilarious insight later in a plenary presentation. We have developed a Phone service with which we take care of all the phones of your visitors including an answering service or we can give a custom security check in which we make the visitors feel save.


The possibilities are endless and we like to find the perfect form for your event.

For more information and questions

We have extensive experience at conferences and symposia, among others for TEDx Utrecht, King Congres, Twynstra Gudde, AEF, What Design Can Do, Woonwaard, GroenLinks, Marktplaats, Schuberg Philis, Gemeente Heerlen, de Dag van de Rekenkamer, Dutch Design Week, Woningstichting Anna Paulowna, SBI, Openbaar Ministerie, Rotary Steenwijk, Divosa, LKCA, Veerstichting, Turnclub, Pré Wonen, Sprout Challenge Day, Dolhuys, UCLA, Nationaal Toneel, MOT Tokyo.